Art, Graphic Design, & Game Design


This is a picture of me in Amsterdam in August 2023. I love exploring other cultures and traveling! Amsterdam is my favorite place I've visited.


Hey! My name is Baker Charbonnet, and I am a junior at UCONN studying Digital Media Design in the Honors Program, with a concentration in Game Design. I love anything creative and am always open to learning something new!
My passions include global travel (I have been to 9 countries and counting!),
photography, video games, and creating art in all mediums. I am also known to have a superpower with glitter!
I am active in the UConn Free Press Zine and was inducted into the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society in the Spring of 2022. I currently have a 3.74 GPA and will graduate in May 2026.

DOCK HEALTH - Summer 2021
I work periodically behind the scenes on the startup Dock Health's website. I work to help with updating and renovating the website.

DAY CAMPS @ THE J - Summer 2022
I spent the summer of 2022 working at a day camp called Day Camps @ The J. As a floating counselor, I worked with kids of all ages and worked with them on crafts, helped with science experiments, and acted as both a friend and mentor.
The craftier kids loved hanging out and drawing with me, and all of the kids loved that I made drawings for them.
I went on a photoshoot for the magazine that allowed me access into the cannabis greenhouses.
UCONN MAGAZINE - Aug 2022 - Jun 2023
My freshman year, I worked as an assistant to the design editor for the UCONN Alumni Magazine. I found images, helped with design decision-making, and helped proofread the magazine.

I currently work as an assistant to the university photographer. I am an assistant on photoshoots, shoot portraits, help with office work, and share a lot of ideas behind the scenes.
One of my favorite parts of my job is that I get to hang out with Jonathan the Husky! The photoshoots I get to go on always let me see new sides of campus!
It is always a lot of fun to host giveaways and community events for our residents!
THE OAKS ON THE SQUARE - Jul 2024 - Present
I currently work as a Community Assistant at my apartment complex. I handle a lot of resident interaction and resident experience, handling minor maintenance issues, noise complaints, lock outs, and packages. I really enjoy getting to be a central part of the apartment community and getting to know all of the residents.


Awarded the UCONN Award Scholarship through UCONN​
Awarded the Lelia Carter Birrell ‘68 Award for 2-D Design through the Rye Country Day School Arts Department
Awarded the Fine Arts Talent Scholarship through UCONN
Awarded AP Scholar through the College Board
Inducted into the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
Accepted into UCONN's DMD
Program as an Honors Student

2021 AP Exams
AP United States History
AP Environmental Science
AP English Language and Composition​
AP 2-D Design
AP Art History
AP Computer Science A
5 on all Exams
4 on all Exams
2022 AP Exams
June 2021 SAT
1520 on the SAT
760 Reading & Writing
760 Math